Retour sur la Cérémonie des Voeux Associatifs 2024, l’ASRL en fête !

On the other hand, organizations have the need for integrating in IT departments new technologies often using cloud services and other ways of direct access to the web. This pressure for IT departments to give…


Découvrez la rétrospective 2022-2023 de l’IJA: une année bien remplie auprès de jeunes déficients visuels

On the other hand, organizations have the need for integrating in IT departments new technologies often using cloud services and other ways of direct access to the web. This pressure for IT departments to give…


Découvrez le Foyer de Vie de Merris, un établissement du Dispositif Flandre Val-de-Lys

On the other hand, organizations have the need for integrating in IT departments new technologies often using cloud services and other ways of direct access to the web. This pressure for IT departments to give…


L’ASRL, une œuvre collective au service des autres !

On the other hand, organizations have the need for integrating in IT departments new technologies often using cloud services and other ways of direct access to the web. This pressure for IT departments to give…
